I love you…no I hate you…no I love you…no I hate you…………..

“I don’t see how an article of clothing can be indecent.  A person, yes”  ~Robert
A. Heinlein

The other day I posted on Facebook, “I have this love/hate relationship with body shapers, and honestly right now I don’t know if I’m loving or hating.”  And one of my friends responded….”sounds like good material for a blog.”  So here it is…..

Okay, first a little history…what are body shapers.    When I speak of body shapers, I am talking about the uber tight undergarments we wear under our clothes to give us a smooth, blemish free, muffin top free look.  And for better or for worse, it appears that body shapers have become a necessary part of our daily lives.  Okay, I’ll back track here…a necessary part of our daily lives for those of us that desire a smooth, blemish free, muffin top free look…  For me, rather than shoving my expanding assets into a tight fighting body shaper on a daily basis, I normally will cover up with loose-fitting tunics and leggings.  But…on those days when more than loose tunics and leggings are required, I will squirm my way into one of these tight-fitting garments and bitch about it the rest of the day.  Now, as much as I hate to wear body shapers…I don’t think I could live without them.  They do help me mask that extra 5 or 10 pounds…however, once I get over 10 pounds, I can pretty much forget the masking and try for a little damage control. 

So now lets discuss this love/hate relationship.  My love…the ability to still manage to fit into some of my favorite clothes, and look “okay” in them. My hate…I just basically hate them…they are unyielding, they are controlling, and incredibly restrictive…kinda like some of the men I have dated.  But…they do make me look good…not necessarily like some of the men I have dated.   And again,  backtracking, …let’s not really say “good,” maybe just better.  But should I bitch…is it fair of me to bitch?  Sure…why not bitch….while at the same time looking absolutely fabulous because I’m wearing my body shaper.    

Now I could tell you this revolution…this body shaping revolution is just another attack on women…however,  body shapers are made for men too, so we can all look buff together. 

So do I love them or hate them….a little bit of both.  What about you, love them or hate them????? 


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2 responses to “I love you…no I hate you…no I love you…no I hate you…………..

  1. Hate ’em! All that discomfort just to look good ain’t worth it!

    Hi Stopping from MBC Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

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